Click on the New Sip Trunk to go to the Edit Sip Trunk page.
figure 1. "Edit Sip Trunk" form
In figure 1. "Edit Sip Trunk" form you can read an example configuration for an unencrypted SIP trunk. Mandatory fields for the unencrypted configuration are:
- NAME: a meaningful name for this trunk
- IP / HOSTNAME: IP address/hostname of the SIP server provided by ITSP
- PORT: this is 5060 by RFC
- SRTP ENCRYPTION: disabled (unchecked)
We do also suggest the following values to be set:
- ANNOUNCEMENT: ON EARLY MEDIA works fine with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
- DTMF SIGNALING METHOD: choose your values considering the PBX on the other end of the Trunk. Usually we suggest to choose the value RFC2833
- DIRECT MEDIA: enabled (checked)
- SEND REMOTE-PARTY-ID: enabled (checked)
Other fields in the form depend by your network topology and by the features on the other end PBX.
When you are done with your changes, commit them by clicking on the Update icon.