New Feature

IOS-21 separate Call and Message settings menu from General settings menu.

IOS-20 Delete all history from settings menu.

IOS-19 Show Alert that new version of app available in App Store.

IOS-4 Modify conference and transfer call according to asterisk 16.


IOS-13 Biometric access should be proposed to user after PIN configuration


IOS-22 When user enable FaceID and during inserting App pin, if user cancel, FaceId remain enable and new theme become disable.

IOS-18 Issue on attachment download in single chat

IOS-16 Scroll to bottom should fix in Xcode 13

IOS-14 Migrate DataBase from Encrypted Store to NSSQLiteStoreType since Library not maintain any more.

IOS-12 Issue sending attachment with Mutual Auth

IOS-9 On phones without FaceID, TouchID auth sometimes is not in foreground

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