Release Notes

OS 7.1 is not certified for working with PrivateGSM. Some users reported a critical bug that completely freezes the device during a secure call. Our first tests showed a platform bug that prevents usage of AMR at 4.75 kbit/s. PrivateGSM on OS 7.1 will force AMR 12.2 kbit/s for outgoing data, as OS 5.0

PrivateGSM - All editions - 10.6.2687

Fixed Bugs

  • [PGBB-680] - During a call, loudspeaker menu option has the wrong label
  • [PGBB-751] - Canceled call show "The server refuses the call"
  • [PGBB-758] - With OS7.1 device is freezes when sending AMR 4.75 and receiving AMR 12.2

PrivateGSM - OEM editions - 10.6.2687

Fixed Bugs

  • [PGBB-750] - Products without TRIAL mode, shows misleading messages to user if license activation is not completed

  • No labels