1. Introduction
Some customers use HP ArcSight product to monitor security of internal IT assets and trigger proper alarms whenever required. They require that PrivateServer is properly integrated and could report in real-time any relevant security event to their infrastructure.
We chose to implement one generic interface supporting Security Information Event management (SIEM), so it would be easier to extend current ArcSight support to other products and solutions.
Security events are stored in PrivateServer 's operational database and sent to local syslog daemon, which in turn can forward them to HP ArcSight.
Events are formatted according to CEF specification. It's also possible to log security events locally, in case they cannot be sent to point of delivery.
2. Glossary
Here some terms used within ArcSight;
- Application: SW component intended to perform core business functionality
- Application Security Configuration Parameter: any configuration item with direct impact on application's security
- Application Security Configuration Target Value: the value of Application Security Configuration Parameter
- Application Security Event: any distinct, time-limited, identifiable activity with direct impact on Application's security
- Application Security Event Message: the technical log generated by an Application in reaction to Application Security Event
- Monitoring: near real-time validation of Application Security Event Messages, against defined level of escalation (Alert, Record, Log)
- Application Security Scenario: identify patterns with respect to defined conditions and trigger action
- Application Security Scenario Exception: any exception to define scenario
- Escalation level:
- Alert: requires immediate escalation and quick evaluation
- Record: to be included in a report for frequent review
- Log: to be logged with less frequent review
3. List of events
Here follows the list of generated and logged events.
Event Code | Event Name |
CC01 | Application configuration change |
CC02 | Security configuration change |
HB01 | Heartbeat |
LL01 | Successful User Login |
LL02 | Successful User Logoff |
LL03 | User Login failure |
LL04 | Password change success |
LL05 | Password change failure |
PA01 | Successful privileged operation access |
PA02 | Failed privileged operation access |
SA01 | Add User |
SA02 | Amend User |
SA03 | Delete User |
SA04 | New Profile |
SA05 | Amend Profile |
SA06 | Delete Profile |
SA07 | Password reset |
SA08 | Lock user |
SA09 | Unlock User |
SS01 | Application Start |
SS02 | Application Stop |
SS03 | Application Data Dump |
SS04 | Application Data Restore |
SS05 | Logging Change |
4. Pluggable SIEM manager
Given that different customers can have different SIEM systems and/or requirements, we provide a modular and configurable architecture in PrivateServer , to be able to customize these behaviors.
The default implementation generated event in CEF format (suitable for HP ArcSight) and, if properly configured, can send them to local rsyslog daemon.
SIEM configuration is not a common or daily task, so configuration is available only via manual file editing via SSH, no web console UI.
4.1. Sender configuration
Sending CEF events works this way: Tomcat collects events from event database and logs it using log4j. By log4j configuration it handles event logging to rsyslogd daemon which sends it to remote host, usually archsight or another CEF compatible SIEM manager. So let's see how to configure PrivateServer event sender.
4.1.1. Tomcat log4j configuration
Edit file /data/privateserver/Config.groovy and insert following snipped:
import log4j.appender.CustodianDailyRollingFileAppender // standard configuration to send security events to local rsyslog daemon log4j = { appenders { appender new log4j.appender.AdvSyslogAppender( name: "arcsyslog", layout: pattern(conversionPattern: '%m'), facility: "local7", tag: "Privateserver", threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO, syslogHost:"localhost", header: true, timeZone: "GMT" ) appender new CustodianDailyRollingFileAppender(name:'logFile', file:"/var/log/tomcat6/Privateserver.log", datePattern:"'.'yyyy-MM-dd", layout: pattern(conversionPattern:'%d [%t] %-5p %c{2} %x - %m%n'), compressBackups : 'true', maxNumberOfDays : '7') } root { error 'logFile' } info arcsyslog: "privateserver.siem.CEFSender", additivity : false }
Once you're done just save the file and restart tomcat service so that it loads new configuration:
4.1.2. Rsyslogd configuration
In order to use syslog to receive and forward security events, some changes are required on PrivateServer 's syslog configuration /etc/rsyslog.conf. Open the file and add lines as in following steps:
Message format and priority are fixed and defined.
You first need to enable syslog so to listen on UDP port 514:
# Provides UDP syslog reception $ModLoad imudp.so $UDPServerRun 514
Configure template format:
$template EVSSFormat,"<%pri%>%timestamp% %hostname% %syslogtag%%msg%\n"
Redirect all events to a local file (this step is optional and often used for debugging purpose):
local7.INFO /var/log/arcsight.log;EVSSFormat
Redirect also all the events to a remote host (please note that "remote-host" has to be changed in actual host's name or IP address to make this work):
Be aware that also remote port 514 has to be checked as a valid one. You better receive remote host configuration parameters and then apply them into rsyslog configuration file
local7.INFO @@remote-host:514;EVSSFormat
Please take note that @@ means TCP connection, as @ is for UDP one
If you configure both forwarding and logging to local files, it is suggested to put forwarding statement AFTER local file statement: if for some reasons, forwarding does not work, you will still have immediate logging on local file. The opposite order could introduce some delay.
Once you're done just save and close /etc/rsyslog.conf. Now you can restart rsyslog so that it loads new configuration:
service rsyslog restart
Here is a list of all available syslog property
4.2. Customer specific formatter configuration
Security event formatter takes many information as inputs and emits one string containing properly formatted event, ready to be forwarded to SIEM. For specific customers' needs, PrivateWave Italia S.r.l. can develop some custom formatter/filters.
If you own yours custom formatter, then you need to enable it appending the following line to file /data/privateserver/Config.groovy so to specify actual formatter class:
privateserver.siem.formatter = privateserver.siem.CEFCustomFormatter