Latest update

Release Notes

Main features introduced from this version on are: "Presence" and "Audio Messages". But we also improved the management of the GSM calls over the private ones, addressed some security issues, improved the overall performance and performed some serious code refactoring.

PrivateGSM - All Edition - Version 11.3.1966

New Features

  • [IOS-661] - Contacts View reports presence status for each contact shown: "Presence"
  • [IOS-676] - Play audio notification on call hangup: "Audio Messages"


  • [IOS-669] - Use a persistent UUID in place of UDID for licensing purposes
  • [IOS-674] - Log trace for the battery level
  • [IOS-684] - Fill in the screen in iphone 5 with the splash screen
  • [IOS-685] - Use a unique path for all the server services used by the mobile client
  • [IOS-689] - Client logs are locally encrypted on client
  • [IOS-690] - The stored SIP password is now encrypted
  • [IOS-691] - Delete all logs files when the user disables the logging in PrivateGSM
  • [IOS-694] - Improve user experience on RTP timeout

Fixed Bugs

  • [IOS-544] - The changes in the Reachability status are now handled
  • [IOS-649] - network broken/frozed events are no more reported as registration error instead of "no network"
  • [IOS-651] - provisioned licence code ignored
  • [IOS-672] - If a GSM voice call incomes, then the secure call is no more disconnected due to RTP timeout
  • [IOS-687] - external CA-root certificate has been removed
  • [IOS-696] - PrivateGSM is set to English language even if the phone is set to Italian
  • [IOS-700] - Don't show the telephone number picker if calling a contact which has a single telephone number
  • [IOS-702] - Call view stuck when ZRTP messages don't go through
  • [IOS-707] - Automatic configuration does not always work after clicking on the link in the Activation text message
  • [IOS-715] - No notification audio (INFO tone) were played on an RTP timeout

Known Issues




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