A list of changes applied since release 3.0 of EVSS documentation:
- Data Retention
- Software update via User Interface
- Package repositories are configurable
- User management: new users must change their password at the first login
- Better CDR logging
- New devices and OS version certified
- Improved Asterisk debug support
- Improved troubleshooting documentation
- Roles and rights: data retention
Documentation tree and pictures changed:
- Home page description: fig.1
- Roles -> data retention ROLE__RIGHT_BACKUP
- PSOM 4.0 Logs -> data retention
- admin manual 32 update -> repo mngmnt and updates
- PSAM 3.2 Software Updates -> new section
- PSAM 3.3 Check SErver Services -> tolta la parte su asterisk
PSOM 1.0 Accounts and Groups -> cambia img per accounts e aggiunta parte sul keep-alive server side
- ------- TO DO ----
- PSAM 2.4 -> aggiunta la conf di NAT e la spiega per aggiunta dell'opzione globale di keep-alive
- added PSAM 2.8 Software Repositories
- linked the above in the software updates