3.1 How does the administrative access work?

To manage a installation you have to use primarily the web interface. The web interface authenticates the users manages authorizations so you can profile each user for a single management goal. Before starting we should clarify some basic concepts. The management console access is based on two pillars:

  1. Users
  2. Roles
Each one of these is configurable to provide the maximum flexibility in the authorization and access management process.

3.1.1 What is a User?

A User is holding a single account that can be logged into administration console with a pair of username and password. Once logged in, the user can perform a management task based on his/hers roles.

Each user has only one concurrent access to the web console. If a new login is performed from a different browser/host using the same credentials of an already logged user, then the first one logged in is automatically logged out and replaced by the last arrived in a First In First Out way.

3.1.2 What is a Role?

Role defines the actions to be authorized on. Users can be granted one or more roles, depending on their duties in managing .

Two kinds of roles are defined:

3.2 Managing Roles

You can access to the Roles management interface using the Role entry in the menu on the left. 

You need ROLE_SUPERADMIN role to obtain access to the Role entry


After you selected it you will be redirected to the Role List page.
By default you have the following roles:

When you create users, you can assign multiple roles to grant him/her proper right to features, depending on their duties in managing a installation

3.3 Managing users

3.3.1 Create



Clicking the "User" entry in the left menu under the "Access Control" section will take you to a page like the one shown in . This table shows you all users. By default you should see at least the admin one. To create a new User just click on the New User button. 

You will be taken to the "Create User" form as shown in . Fill in the fields Username, Password and Confirm Password with your chosen user name. You also need to select a proper Role to be assigned. Check the chosen Role and click on the Create button. 


If you do not select a strong password then you get a blocking warning complaining about a weak password. 



Change the password to a stronger one (a good example is "Pr1v4t3_yes!" without quotes). If the process gone fine, you can see an info message on the top of the user detail form (see ).

The new user is listed in the "User List" table.

3.3.2 Update

From the User List table select the test user to get back to the Edit User form. Change the user name from test to testone and press the Update button at the bottom of the form. The form is reloaded with the updated field and a label appears informing that you've performed an update action. Also in the User List table shows the new user name.

3.3.3 Delete

Click again on the user  entry (testone) from the list to get back to the Edit User form. This time click on the Delete button. A confirmation pop up window will be shown. Select Ok to be taken back again to the User list: the deleted user is not present any more.