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If the application crashes or is terminated by the operating system, it will almost never have the chance to log the issue before terminating. In that case, technical support may ask you to send them the crash logs to diagnose the issue. This articles describes two ways to do that.

Downloading crash logs with iTunes

This is the recommended way, and the easiest. You'll need:


  • all files with names starting with LowBatteryLog
  • all files with names starting with LowMemory
  • (when reporting an issue with PrivateGSM PrivateWave Enterprise) all files with names starting with PrivateGSMEnt
  • (when reporting an issue with PrivateGSM ProfessionalPrivateWave Professional)  all all files with names starting with with PrivateGSMProfessional
titleOn rebranded versions

Crash logs for rebranded versions of PrivateGSM will PrivateWave will start with a different text, i.e. the application's internal name. If you're supporting a rebranded version and are unsure what the internal name is:

  • log in to iTunes Connect
  • navigate to My Apps
  • navigate to your rebrand of PrivateGSMof PrivateWave
  • open the More → About this App menu
  • under Bundle Id, you'll find a string, e.g. com.test.BrandedGSM
  • the text after the last "." is the application's internal name ("BrandedGSM" in our example)

If you can't access iTunes Connect or can't find the required information, refer to your PrivateWave technical support contact.

Collect all of these files, and compress them in a Zip filezip file. Send the zip file to technical support.

If you're unsure what files are relevant to the issue you reported, you can zip the entire contents of the folder. This has privacy implications though, as technical support will get to know what other applications you have installed and are using on your iPhone.

E-mailing crash logs from the iPhone



This method is strongly discouraged and should only be used in an emergency. If possible, crash logs should be downloaded with iTunes.



Crash logs can also be accessed directly from the iPhone as a list of text files.

Opening the list of crash logs on iOS 8
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Navigate to Privacy
  3. Navigate to Diagnostics & Usage (near the end of the list)
  4. Navigate to Diagnostics & Usage Data


Opening the list of crash logs on iOS 7
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Navigate to General
  3. Navigate to About
  4. Navigate to Diagnostics & Usage (near the end of the list)
  5. Navigate to Diagnostics & Usage Data


You should now see a list of the most recent crash logs. The relevant crash logs isare:

  • LatestCrash-PrivateGSMEnt.ips  (for PrivateGSM EnterprisePrivateWave Enterprise)
  • LatestCrash-PrivateGSMProfes.ips (for PrivateGSM ProfessionalPrivateWave Professional)
  • if the relevant crash wasn't the latest, look for logs with names starting with PrivateGSMEnt_YYYY-MM-DD-hhmmss (for PrivateGSM EnterprisePrivateWave Enterprise) or PrivateGSMProfessional_YYYY-MM-DD-hhmmssYYYY-MM-DD-hhmmss is the date and time at which the crash log was created; choose the log closest to the date and time you noticed the issue you reported
titleOn rebranded versions

Crash logs for rebranded versions of PrivateGSM will PrivateWave will start or contain different text, i.e. the application's internal name. If you're supporting a rebranded version and are unsure what the internal name is:

  • log in to iTunes Connect
  • navigate to My Apps
  • navigate to your rebrand of PrivateGSMof PrivateWave
  • open the More → About this App menu
  • under Bundle Id, you'll find a string, e.g. com.test.BrandedGSM
  • the text after the last "." is the application's internal name ("BrandedGSM" in our example)

If you can't access iTunes Connect or can't find the required information, refer to your PrivateWave technical support contact.

Note that, if the internal name is longer than 16 characters, iOS may truncate it (for example, PrivateGSMProfessional is truncated to PrivateGSMProfes in LatestCrash-PrivateGSMProfes


a crash log
  1. Navigate to the relevant crash log by tapping on its name: you'll see a text field with the contents of the log
  2. Select all the the text, and long press to bring up the Copy menu
  3. Copy the text, and paste it in an e-mail
  4. Send the e-mail to technical support