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Send Installation Sms is good for sending via Text message a link meant to be used to download and thus install the PrivateGSM application.  More about the Automatic Activation and about the Provisioning can be read in paragraph 1.1.4.


The customer's platform is automatically detected.


You have three way for create new users:

  1. the plain way: manual creation configuration 
  2. the wizard way: automatic activation
  3. the batch way: massive creation 

Each one is going to be detailed in the next paragraphs. Create a new account, the plain way (manual configuration)

The "plain way" is a completely manual creation of the account. In this way you control any feature of the account, but you also need to configure the user's client manually. This way is the opposite of the automatic activation.


This is the only way for creating valid accounts for the SNOM platformdevices.

In the Account List page (

AnchorNamesip users table
) you can see an empty list of accounts. To create a new Sip User you have to click on the New Account button in the top of the page.


  • Username

  • Password/Repeat Password

  • Virtual Phone Number

  • Account Type

  • Security Model

  • Obfuscation Mode

  • Obfuscation Key

  • Keep-alive Enabled


Fill the Username with a numeric value as suggested by the default value into the fieldUsername field is automatically generated as a random numeric value and you are not required to change it. Type in a password and repeat it in the proper fields.


Username MUST If you manually edit Username field, keep in mind that it MUST be unique, as Virtual Phone Number!

Virtual Phone Number

Set a Virtual Phone number as a numeric value of your choice. Please consider that the Virtual Phone Number is the number to be dialed to call the Account (and also the number shown as the caller, when the Account places dials a call). We suggest a three character number such as "111" or "123" for testing purpose. For production please insert the real phone numberSNOM devices and actual mobile phone number for PrivateGSM accounts.


If you do not insert the international prefix Mobile phone numbers must be formatted with international prefix and + sign, before the real phone number then you cannot use the , eg: +391234567890. If you do not use international format, it will not be possible to use automatic activation features.

Automatic Activation is not meant for SNOM devices or iPad. You need a PrivateGSM client in order to process the URL and the configuration itself. Plus without a phone that can receive a Text Messagean SMS, it wouldn't be delivered at all.


It's still possible to perform an Automatic Activation or to send the installation URL on iPads or devices without phone features using the Provisioning Messages.

Account Type
  • To configure a PrivateGSM account select "PGSM" by the drop down menu in "Account Type".

  • To configure a SNOM account select "SNOM" by the drop down menu in "Account Type".


  • To configure a PrivateGSM Enterprise account the security model must be "SDES" in the "Security Model".

  • To configure a PrivateGSM Professional account the security model must be "ZRTP".

  • To configure a Snom account the security model must be "SDES".


The Obfuscation mode is a simple but quite efficient trick to let the VoIP pass without being recognised by router that could perform Quality of Service degrading the callrecognized by network equipment intended to block or censor VoIP traffic.

It's not known to be a perfect mask and it aims not to be one, still it works fine until up to now and our suggestion is to keep it enabled as by default,


Keep-alive Enabled

Since the present version you can enable a server side check on the user's reachability!

To be reachable the client must set up a stable socket to the serverIn order to receive secure phone calls, PrivateGSM client must set up an always-on connection to PrivateServer. Each client sends a "keep alive" request to the server it 's is connected to, in order to keep up the socket. This is necessary as the TCP socket has an idle timeout after which the socket is closed. Some aggressive network devices equipment can short shorten the standard timeout under 10 minutes, making impossible for the client to send the "keep alive" request because it would always be late (the client sends its request every 10 minutes or so). In order to avoid the socket break caused by such aggressive network devices, you can set up , less than 10 minutes. This behavior is particularly critical with IOS devices. 

In order to avoid the socket break caused by such aggressive network equipment, you can enable a server side "keep alive" request that is going to be performed every 3 minutes. In this way you can be sure that the socket and thus the connection would remain up and stable under every circumstances.


The downside of this option is that there will be some more traffic on the socket (each passage of the request is 1.8 KiloByte, thus you can count almost 3.6 KB of traffic every 3 minutes)

titleBattery life warning

This option can afflict the battery life since more traffic means more radio transmission and on same devices the radio wouldn't have a proper timeout for going idle. 


Virtual Phone Number (secondary)

This field is not mandatoryoptional and rarely used, still it can prove itself quite useful if you need the account to be reachable by two different phone numbers on two different devicesthe same device. The secondary virtual number can't substitute the primary one, meaning that this field alone won't be accepted as a valid phone number. You still need to configure the primary phone number if you intend to make use of the secondary one.


An Some example for using the secondary phone number can be to configure a SNOM device as a stable secure voice terminal and a PrivateGSM as a mobile one. Both the devices belongs to the same user and you have not to double the accounts used in order to accomplish such configuration. SNOM

In the Account List page (

AnchorNamesip users table
) you can see an empty list of accounts. To create a new Sip User you have to click on the New Account button in the top of the page.

SubtitleTextSip SNOM Account creation form
AnchorNameaccount creation form SNOM

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AnchorNameaccount creation form SNOM


AnchorNameaccount creation form


are this scenarios:

  1. User changes his own mobile phone number. Using secondary number it is possible to configure the NEW number as primary and the OLD number as secondary. The user will be able to receive secure calls dialed both on his NEW and OLD number.
  2. User install PrivateGSM client on his business phone, but his colleagues could call him both using business and private phone numbers. Using secondary number it is possible to configure the BUSINESS number as primary and the PRIVATE number as secondary. The user will be able to receive secure calls dialed both on his BUSINESS and PRIVATE number. More often that you could expect, users initiate secure calls using the wrong number, complaining about "it does not work". SNOM

In the Account List page (

AnchorNamesip users table
) you can see an empty list of accounts. To create a new Sip User you have to click on the New Account button in the top of the page.

SubtitleTextSip SNOM Account creation form
AnchorNameaccount creation form SNOM

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There are some few but still important differences between the 

AnchorNameaccount creation form SNOM
 and the 
AnchorNameaccount creation form
: security model, obfuscation Mode and Obfuscation Key fields are gone and instead you can read Deny and Permit. Due to the type of hardware underlying the SNOM account, we do assume that the hardware would be wired connected on a desktop. Also no obfuscation is possible because the device doesn't allow it. Instead the wired channel can provide us an easy to go access list, based on the LAN IP addresses. We can create both one White-List and one Black-List in order to bind the user's access to one specific device which can be identified by the LAN IP address. The different option shown are:


SubtitleTextnew SIP account
AnchorNamenew sip account

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An information line advice the operation just performed. 


To use the automatic activation even in the plain way go reading the 1.1.4 Automatic Activation. Create a new account, the wizard way (automatic activation)

The "wizard way" is the new method for creating accounts. It's made for easing the load on the service manager's shoulder, letting him/her focusing on the service configuration without having to bother about the installation and configuration of the client.


SubtitleTextnew account by wizard
AnchorNamenew account by wizard

Image Modified


You'll see the "Edit Account page" with a precompiled, non-editable username  as in 

AnchorNamenew account by wizard


Prepare a .csv file with some account. The file must be formatted as the example below., keeping header names in the first row

Code Block
titlebatch users csv
fullName,gsmNumber,email,securityModel,description Alessandro Bergamaschi,+391234567890,,end-to-site,Personal account Luigi Rossi,+3932456753,,end-to-site,Personal account Marco Bianchi,+39432242342,,end-to-site,Personal account Mario Colombo,+394325346546,,end-to-site,Personal account


Select the default provisioning profile and a group for the newly account created. Upload the file and click create: you'll be leaded to the Group list page




To change the SIP Account values you must first select it from the Accounts List: just click on the Username and the Edit Account form is shown (

AnchorNameaccount creation form
Change the values you need to and then click on the Update button at the bottom of the form to save the changes. The new values are shown into the Accounts' table back in the "Account List" page

Once you've done you can choose whether to manually activate the user or to lean on the automatic activation.


account_details Account's details

The figure 

AnchorNamenew sip account
 shows the last step of the procedure for account creation, but it's the same view you can get clicking on the Details link in the first column of the account's list (as in 
AnchorNamesip users table

Three tabs are shown in the Account's details window:

  • State
  • History
  • Configuration

State is the default view you get and shows if the Account is connected and his licence status.


 After you created your new account(s) you have to configure the customer's client application PrivateGSM. In the wizard way it's MANDATORY to use the automatic activation in order to enable the account. In the plain way it's optional, though useful.

When you have just finished creating the new account (as in 

AnchorNamenew sip account
) or picking up the account from the account list ( see 
AnchorNameaccount updated
) you can send to the customer both a download SMS and a configuration SMS so that he/she would proceed with the installation of the client without any other human help. Click on the "Send installation SMS" to send the link for downloading the application.

SubtitleTextconfirm sms
AnchorNameconfirm sms

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Confirm as in the above picture and the PrivateServer advices the operation has been completed:

SubtitleTextinstallation sms sent
AnchorNameinstallation sms sent

Image Removed


The SMSes are sent to the account's Virtual Phone Number, so please check it exist as an actual mobile phone number before using the Automatic Activation

Getting back to the account list you can read the exact status and the time of its change:

SubtitleTextaccount status
AnchorNameaccount status

Image Removed

So what's happened is that the status has changed from "Created" to "Installation SMS sent" and the "Last Status date" has been updated to the time the SMS has been sent to the customer.


The Automatic Activation and the Provisioning Profiles must be set up to have this procedure to work.

After the customer has downloaded and installed the application, the "Last status" changes to "Installed" but the "Enabled" is still "False". "Last Status date" is updated as well.

Next step is to send the "Activation SMS" in order to enable the user to place and receive calls.

Just click on the related link at the end of the customer's row in the Account list table. As for the "Installation SMS" you are requested to confirm the action (refer to 

AnchorNameconfirm sms

Note the change in the "Last Status" and in the "Last Status date": the former is now "Activation SMS sent", the latter is updated to the new time the action was performed. 

You can know for sure that the user has configured his/her PrivateGSM application because after the action has been performed the account's "Last Status" becomes "Activated" and the "Last Status date" is updated as in the former cases.

Now the "Enabled" fields is changed to "true" meaning that the customer is ready to go.


Please remember that if you created the account in plain way then the account is enabled by default, no matter if you sent the Activation SMS or not.


If the customer actually goes on line with the PrivateGSM application, than the "Last Status" becomes "Connected".


You can check if the customer is connected using the "Registered Account" menu.

1.1.5 Searching accounts

You can search search a group's accounts with the search box on the menu bar of the Account list page.

SubtitleTextThe searching interface
AnchorNamesearching account
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The search covers the following fields of accounts:

  • Owner
  • Username
  • Caller id
  • E-mail
  • Description

The search string is interpreted as a list of words, separated by spaces. All words in the search string must match. Words must match exactly, unless they contain wildcards:

  • *: matches zero or more characters
  • ?: matches one character, any character


  • Marco matches "Marco Rossi" and "Marco Bianchi", but not "Giulio Marconi"
  • Marco Rossi matches "Marco Rossi", but neither "Marco Bianchi" nor "Giulio Marconi"
  • Marco* matches "Marco Rossi", "Marco Bianchi" and "Giulio Marconi"
  • Marco?? matches "Giulio Marconi", but neither "Marco Rossi" nor "Marco Bianchi"
The search engine is based on Apache Lucene; see "Query Parser Syntax" for a detailed description of the full syntax of search queries. The field names that can be used in search queries are owner, username, callerid, email and description
SubtitleTextThe Account has been updatedState of the account show he's off-line
AnchorNameaccount updated

Image Removed



A line will warn you about the update.

1.1.3 Delete

Select the Account from the Account List and get the Edit Account page. Click on the Delete button at the bottom of the page to delete the SIP Account. A warning pop up window will be shown.

Just select the "Ok" button or press Enter to confirm. The Account List page will show up without the Account.

SubtitleTextThe Account has been deleted
AnchorNameaccount deleted

Image Removed



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History shows any relevant information about the account.

SubtitleTextShow account. History tab

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As you can see in 

 there are three main subsections:

  1. Timeline lists all the informations about the creation and activation of the account as well as date and time of text messages sent and received.
  2. Last session events is an excerpt of the SIP Sessions targeted to the account. 
  3. Latest calls is an excerpt of the CDR showing all the recent calls placed by the account. It's possible to show all the received calls as well, by clicking on the All received calls at the list's bottom.

Each list is expandable to show any record related to the account. This is possible by using the proper links at the bottom of each form displayed.

Configuration is what's left of the account's details form as it was intended in previous versions of PrivateServer.

SubtitleTextaccount configuration

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From this summary of the account's configurations you can manage the account itself. It's possible to Send Installation Sms or to Send Activation Sms, action which we explore deeper in paragraph 1.1.4, as well as to Disable account. The last action inhibits the user to call or to be called and a specific Audio Message is issued by the PrivateServer to inform the user.

It's also possible to Edit the account's settings (more about this in the paragraph 1.1.2), Refresh account's data (which is proved to be quite useful to monitor the Text Messages status, like the Installation clicked) or simply Delete (paragraph 1.1.3) the account itself. In the following paragraphs you'll read more about account's management.

1.1.2 Update the 

To change the SIP Account values you need to reach the form showed in

, which has been explained in the paragraph Once there, you can just press the Edit button at the bottom.

SubtitleTextform for changing account's parameters

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In the form that would be presented to you (shown in

) it's possible to change any value you need to. Once you're done, click on the Update button at the bottom of the form to save the changes. 

SubtitleTextthe account has been updated

Image Added

As shown in 

 the Web Console would warn you after the updated was processed. You can check the changes clicking on the Configuration tab.

1.1.3 Delete the Account

In order to delete the account you have to access at the account details as described in paragraph You have to get the Configuration details as in 

. At the bottom of the details window you can see a Delete button that's what you're looking for.


SubtitleTextconfirm deletion

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Press it and confirm the deletion in the next warning pop up window (


SubtitleTextThe Account has been deleted
AnchorNameaccount deleted

Image Added

Once you're done, by pressing the "Ok" button, the Account List page will be shown up without the Account and with a warning: see 

AnchorNameaccount deleted

1.1.4 Automatic Activation of the Account

 After you created your new account(s) you have to configure the customer's client application PrivateGSM. In the wizard way it's MANDATORY to use the automatic activation in order to enable the account. In the plain way it's optional, though useful.

The Automatic Activation is quite useful in two occasions:

  1. after you just finished creating an user
  2. whenever you need a quick account's reconfiguration without involving too much the user

To be able to send text messages with the Automatic Activation you first need to get the Account list (

AnchorNamesip users table
) or the Account's configuration details (
). From both views it's possible to press the Send Activation Sms which would send automatically the URL of the configuration file via Text Message.


Click on the "Send installation SMS" to send the link for downloading the application

Confirm as in the above picture and the PrivateServer advices the operation has been completed:

SubtitleTextinstallation sms sent
AnchorNameinstallation sms sent

Image Added


The SMSs are sent to the account's Virtual Phone Number, so please check it exist as an actual mobile phone number before using the Automatic Activation

Getting back to the account list you can read the exact status and the time of its change:

SubtitleTextaccount status
AnchorNameaccount status

Image Added

So what's happened is that the status has changed from "Created" to "Installation SMS sent" and the "Last Status date" has been updated to the time the SMS has been sent to the customer.


The Automatic Activation and the Provisioning Profiles must be set up to have this procedure to work.

After the customer has downloaded and installed the application, the "Last status" changes to "Installed" but the "Enabled" is still "False". "Last Status date" is updated as well.

Next step is to send the "Activation SMS" in order to enable the user to place and receive calls.

Just click on the related link at the end of the customer's row in the Account list table. As for the "Installation SMS" you are requested to confirm the action (refer to 

AnchorNameconfirm sms

Note the change in the "Last Status" and in the "Last Status date": the former is now "Activation SMS sent", the latter is updated to the new time the action was performed. 

You can know for sure that the user has configured his/her PrivateGSM application because after the action has been performed the account's "Last Status" becomes "Activated" and the "Last Status date" is updated as in the former cases.

Now the "Enabled" fields is changed to "true" meaning that the customer is ready to go.


Please remember that if you created the account in plain way then the account is enabled by default, no matter if you sent the Activation SMS or not.

If the customer actually goes on line with the PrivateGSM application, than the "Last Status" becomes "Connected".


You can check if the customer is connected using the "Registered Account" menu.

1.1.5 Disabling/Enabling an Account

If you need to temporary block any account in both directions so that he cannot place or receive calls, then you can just disable him. When a disabled account tries to perform secure voice actions a proper audio message is played warning about the account' status.

Any account is enabled by default.

In order to disable an account you need first to reach the form shown in 

. On the top of the form you can read the Disable account link. 

SubtitleTextaccount disabled

Image Added

Just press it and it will change as in 

. In order to enable the Account again you just have to press the Enable account and check the link and the related icon are changed again to the default.

1.1.6 Searching an Account

You can search search a group's accounts with the search box on the menu bar of the Account list page.

SubtitleTextThe searching interface
AnchorNamesearching account
Image Added


The search covers the following fields of accounts:

  • Owner
  • Username
  • Caller id
  • E-mail
  • Description

The search string is interpreted as a list of words, separated by spaces. All words in the search string must match. Words must match exactly, unless they contain wildcards:

  • *: matches zero or more characters
  • ?: matches one character, any character


  • Marco matches "Marco Rossi" and "Marco Bianchi", but not "Giulio Marconi"
  • Marco Rossi matches "Marco Rossi", but neither "Marco Bianchi" nor "Giulio Marconi"
  • Marco* matches "Marco Rossi", "Marco Bianchi" and "Giulio Marconi"
  • Marco?? matches "Giulio Marconi", but neither "Marco Rossi" nor "Marco Bianchi"

The search engine is based on Apache Lucene; see "Query Parser Syntax" for a detailed description of the full syntax of search queries. The field names that can be used in search queries are owner, username, callerid, email and description.

 1.1.7 Licensing

The communication model of the licence can change quite a bit based on how user activated his account. Manual account creation leads the licence client on PrivateGSM to communicate directly with PrivateWave's licence server. Automatic Activated clients would communicated with their own PrivateServer, which plays the role of a proxy to PrivateWave's licence server. In the latter case, the current licence is cached on PrivateServer and visible in account details.

titleexample given

Let's say we have a PrivateServer named This PrivateServer sent an Automatic Activation text message to the client PGSM_A. PGSM_A would ask to for its licence validation.

If it was a manual configured account, then it would ask its licence validation to the main licence server.

Since the licence validation is an important component of the secure call, it's important that this difference in the behaviour of the client is fully understood by the Operator Manager. For instance if the Services weren't configured to let the HTTPS/SmartPhone Web Service be reachable on the public NIC, then the licence clients of any Automatically Activated PrivateGSMs would never be able to validate their own licences and thus the client would be stuck until its licence status would be cleared somehow.
