Versions Compared


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Release Notes

Present release is about two pivots:

  1. Fixed audio drop timeout so to improve secure call roaming
  2. Improved sync between UI and secure voice engine

We also fixed some minor bugs along the way. of

for BlackBerry offers an important new feature: PIN protection. It's now possible to setup one personal PIN to prevent others access your secure call engine and messages. This PIN is specific of
and thus is not related to any OS PIN. 

 Along with PIN protection we performed also some minor bug fixes. Please read following detailed notes.

- Enterprise - Version 14.






  • [PGBB-1045] - Application is protected by an application PIN
  • [PGBB-1048] - SIP credential are encrypted by specific device key
  • * [PGDR-896887] - Raised network failure timeout to 17 seconds (aka RTP timeout)- [CS-183] Raise input field in dialpad view

Fixed Bugs

  • [PGDR-869] - Show contact's number once if it's repeated in contact details.



  • 914] - License expired error during activation
  • [PGDR-909] - Under specific circumstances



  • reported wrong call status (3 green dots even in connection phase)
  • [PGDR-922] - Typo in address book selector: "All Contacs" instead of "All Contacts"

** Bug

* [PGDR-865] - CLONE - License problem android professional doing automatic activation
* [PGDR-870] - PGSM ent crashes when going to settings and doing Restore Default
* [PGDR-886] - CLONE - During presence refresh the known contact list disappears
* [PGDR-889] - CLONE - If the user tap hangup on a placed call BEFORE the ringing status, the call screen is dismissed but the call is not aborted
* [PGDR-891] - CLONE - If the user call a number with bad network condition the call screen appears after a while
* [PGDR-893] - CLONE - If the user TAP on a "Send message error" notification PGSM shows the wrong contact history view
* [PGDR-895] - CLONE - MainActivity forget the last tab opened by the user when resumed from background
* [PGDR-897] - CLONE - Same number repeated multiple times in contact details
* [PGDR-900] - CLONE - Adding a contact to favorites and then removing it from the favorites, page doesn't get refreshed automatically.
* [PGDR-902] - CLONE - Having two google account with different contact name but same Number, while calling the contact doesn't appear correctly and on hung up the screen shows the other contact details.
* [PGDR-903] - PGSM in foreground with PIN protection on, after answering a call the screen is change to insert PIN.
* [PGDR-904] - Keyboard interaction is not considered as direct interaction with PGSM so that it will not refresh the PIN_CACHE timer.
* [PGDR-905] - PIN must always be present in application setting on PGSM with default value even if admin set the provisioning profile: Enable PIN protection: false User can edit PIN protection: false
* [PGDR-907] - During a secure call PGSM android is getting locked with PIN protection is enabled
* [PGDR-909] - MuteIcon report the wrong call status (always show 3 green dots)
* [PGDR-914] - [DBS-11] License expired error during activation
* [PGDR-915] - PGSM is not respecting PIN cache timeout when time is changed manually.

* [PGDR-916] - Already installed and provisioned PGSM device, provision account again and send again sms/email after applying setting to device i have License expired.
* [PGDR-920] - When sending logs in settings xml file i have found ApplicationSettings.pinKey and ApplicationSettings.param1 values in clear text mode

* [PGDR-922] - Typo in addressbook selector "All Contacs"* * Epic
* [PGDR-872] - Application is protected by an application PIN

** Improvement
* [PGDR-846] - CLONE - Fade Hangup button when pressed
* [PGDR-853] - Change RTP timeout default value
* [PGDR-854] - Make

use sips: URIs instead of deprecated transport=TLS parameter
* [PGDR-876] - Encrypt SIP password with a device specific key
* [PGDR-877] - Tune PBDF2 parameters to provide proper response time, depending on CPU power
* [PGDR-887] - [CS-183] Raise input field in dialpad view
* [PGDR-912] - Protect AutomaticActivation screen with PIN on re-provisioning if the PIN is already configured



** Story
* [PGDR-873] - Authenticate User with PIN
* [PGDR-874] - User can set his PIN
* [PGDR-875] - User can change/enable/disable his PIN

** Task
* [PGDR-863] - Little refactoring in order to follow changes in PGBB-1031
* [PGDR-911] - Estimate effort required to certify GrandStream GXP2200